Please contact us on

(08) 8248 2111

93 Strathfield Terrace

Largs North SA 5016

Mon - Thu

The team at Harbourside Vet Care are happy to answer any questions you may have and provide the care your pets deserve. Whether you are scheduling an appointment, seeking advice or need emergency care within business, our team is ready to assist you.

Contact us today to learn more about our services, arrange a visit or simply chat about how we can help maintain your pet's health.

We're just a call away from providing the support you and your pets need.

 If your pet requires veterinary care out of business hours, we recommend contacting dedicated emergency centers listed below:


Adelaide, 99 Rundle Street,

Kent Town 5067

Phone: 08 8133 5300

Adelaide Animal Emergency & Referral Centre

119 Anzac Highway,

Kurralta Park 5037

Phone: 08 8371 0333


  • Should I Get My Pet Desexed?

    Deciding on whether to have your pet desexed or not is a question that every pet parent asks.

    At Harbourside Vet Care we do recommend that all pets be desexed. Not only are there many health benefits but having your pet desexed also decreases the number of unwanted puppies and kittens that find themselves homeless or in shelters across Australia. 

    In South Australia desexing is a mandatory requirement unless you are a registered breeder

  • What is desexing?

    Surgical desexing involves removal of part of a pet’s reproductive organ whilst under a general anaesthetic. In female desexing (also known as spaying or an ovarian hysterectomy) this involves removing the ovaries and uterus. In male desexing (also known as castration or neutering)

    this involves the removal of both testicles.

  • Why your pet needs to be desexed?

    In female dogs, desexing automatically stops their cycles and the associated bleeding and attention from male dogs that result in pregnancy.

    Castration in males can aid in controlling some behavioural related issues. In dogs it can prevent aggression problems and wandering instincts which are characteristic of ‘pack’ animals that

    need to seek other dogs' company. It is in fact kinder to desex your male pet to stop the ‘hormonal’ need to wander and find a mate. In male cats it can reduce the tendency to roam and

    fight which often leads to cat bite abscesses and related complications.

    In both cats and dogs, male urine odour can be particularly strong and pungent. 

    Desexing usually prevents this odour plus in most cases desexing will reduce or eliminate spraying in cats.

    There are also significant medical benefits for desexing your pet. In females, desexing (also known as spaying) reduces the risk of mammary tumours, and eliminates the risk of tumours in the ovaries, uterus and cervix, and prevents other medical conditions such as pyometra.

    In males, desexing (which is also knows as neutering), reduces the risk of prostatic diseases, perianal tumours and eliminates the risk of testicular cancers.

  • At what age should your pet be desexed?

    The correct age for desexing can vary depending on the breed and size of your pet and your lifestyle. The current recommended age for desexing a dog or cat is 6 months, however at Harbourside Vet Care we believe that each of our patients is unique and the decision of when to desex your pet should be made in partnership with your vet.

    Staying at home with them is not necessary as long as they have somewhere warm and comfortable to stay. However, if you are considering making special plans to be with your pet, we suggest you take the day off after surgery rather than the day of surgery

  • Your pet’s day at the vet

    Once your pet has been admitted to our hospital, we will perform a health check and administer a sedative and pain relief pre-med before the surgery, this will help your pet to relax and improve the quality of recovery after the procedure. Your pet will be treated as if they are our own. Not only will our veterinary nurses continue to monitor throughout the recovery process, they will also give your pet the attention (and cuddles of course) they deserve.

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